Steel Plate Defect Prediction


Today is the fourth day of 30 Kaggle Challenges in 30 Days challenge. Today we will concentrate on the feature engineering of the dataset to improve the performance of the model.

Problem Statement

Build a classifier to identify the type of steel plate fault. Kaggle have provided a synthetically generated dataset from the dataset of steel plates faults from UCI Repository. The steel plate have 7 types of faults and the task is to build a classifier to identify the type of faults in test dataset. The evaluation metric for this competition is area under the ROC curve.

To calculate the final score, AUC is calculated for each of the 7 defect categories and then averaged. In other words, the score is the average of the individual AUC of each predicted column.

Data Exploration

Two datasets have been provided, train and test. The sizes of the datasets are as follows:

Rows Columns
Train 19219 35
Test 12814 28

The seven extra columns in the train dataset is the seven types of faults in steel plates. In the submission, the probability of each of those fault in test data have to be submitted.

If id column is removed from analysis, there are total 27 features. The detailed description of these features are not provided. I check on the UCI Repository, but there also detailed description has not been provided.

Exploratory Data Analysis

Distribution of Steel Plates

The dataset does not have any missing values. All the features are numerical. I checked the total number of faulty plates in training set.

Fault Present Count
Yes 18401
No 818

Kaggle S4E3: Distribution of faulty steel plates

Distribution of Faulty Steel Plates

Kaggle-S4E3: Distribution of faulty steel plates


Logistic Regression

The first model I tried is logistic regression. When I run logistic regression I stumble upon first problem. I can’t run logistic regression for multi label classification problem. So I have to wrap it in OneVsRestClassifier.

Random Forest Classifier

This is the next model I tried where I learned that in tree based classifier (lie Random Forest), in multi-label classification, predict_proba will return a list, where each entry corresponds to the predicted probabilities for each class. You need to loop through each label and extract the second column of probabilities for each class (since predict_proba returns two columns: one for class 0 and one for class 1). Following code was used to extract the probabilities of the positive class (index=1) for each class.

auc = roc_auc_score(y_test[:, i], preds[i][:, 1])

Validation Result

I train total 9 models in initial run. The score are as follows:

Model Fold 0 AUC Fold 1 AUC Fold 2 AUC Fold 3 AUC Fold 4 AUC Avg AUC Avg Time (seconds)
logistic_regression 0.8652 0.8564 0.8633 0.8587 0.8553 0.8598 0.32
random_forest 0.879 0.8747 0.8732 0.8726 0.8699 0.8739 7.75
xgboost 0.8766 0.8721 0.8725 0.8719 0.8722 0.8731 1.18
lightgbm 0.8851 0.8822 0.8802 0.8811 0.8801 0.8817 1.04
catboost 0.8888 0.8832 0.8838 0.8854 0.8831 0.8849 60.02
mlp 0.8709 0.866 0.8656 0.8692 0.8607 0.8665 30.3
gradient_boosting 0.8866 0.8832 0.883 0.8865 0.8787 0.8836 34.72
knn 0.7829 0.786 0.7817 0.7789 0.7803 0.7819 0.69
svm 0.8268 0.8313 0.8238 0.8282 0.8251 0.827 163.8

Among all model, catboost performs the best. Hence I decided to do feature engineering and test on this model.

Feature Engineering

I have tried the following new features improvement.

X['X_Range'] = X['X_Maximum'] - X['X_Minimum']
X['Y_Range'] = X['Y_Maximum'] - X['Y_Minimum']
X['Area_Perimeter_Ratio'] = X['Pixels_Areas'] / (X['X_Perimeter'] + X['Y_Perimeter'])
X['Luminosity_Range'] = X['Maximum_of_Luminosity'] - X['Minimum_of_Luminosity']
X['Volume'] = X['X_Range'] * X['Y_Range'] * X['Steel_Plate_Thickness']
X['Thickness_Deviation'] = X['Steel_Plate_Thickness'] - self.mean_thickness

The performance did not increased after adding new features. Some of the reasons are as follows:


Catboost is selected for final submission. I train it on full training data and predicted probabilities on testing data for submission. These are the score.

Model: Catboost
Score: 0.88169
Ranking Range: 950-951

Key Learning

  1. Not all model support multi label classification.
  2. The predict methods returns different data types for different model, so be cautious and double check if you are using correct format.
  3. Feature engineering is not always necessary.


This was the first multi label problem I tackled since I started solving playground problem. I learned a lot by solving new type of problem. I added one more file to increase the automation. Hopefully tomorrow I will solve the problem little faster.


Notebook: Kaggle Notebook for S4E3
Code: GitHub Repository for Day 5

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